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I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, where my only arms against
Apartheid were satire and caricature.
I studied Architecture and Urban Design at the Technion, in Haifa, Israel,
earning a BSc degree, cum laudé, in 1981. I was awarded the annual Sigmund
Brawerman prize for my final project, about urban rehabilitation in Jerusalem.
During my studies I was artistic director of the student newspaper, "Epsilon".
A premonitory caricature showed a settler in the occupied territories sowing
the land with grenades. A student project with Sylvie Rabie developed experimental
photographic work, under the direction of Professor Paul Hoenich. I left Israel
when Ariel Sharon offered me a role in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon.
From 1982 to 1989 I worked in various architectural offices in Israel, Austria
and France. My employers included: David Reznick in Jerusalem, in whose office
I worked on the local Mormon University; Ram Carmi in Tel Aviv, who taught
me that megalomania in urban design can be pursued with delicacy; Othmar Barth
in Innsbruck for a commercial centre in harmony with the surrounding Dolomites;
Roland Simounet in Paris, architect of the Picasso Museum, for whom designing
using Le Corbusier's Modulor was an essential part of the project brief; François
Rodier, on a series of housing projects in and around Paris...
During 1989 I did training in "communication and 3D graphics for architects" at
the INA (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel / computer graphics department).
In parallel, I did a year of research in the CIMA (Centre d'Informatique et
Méthodolgie en Architecture) computing and architecture laboratory,
where I developed a programme for the 3D representation of urban codes called
the "Town Simulator". I was invited to present this work at a conference
on urban representation at Queen's College in Cambridge.
In 1990 I created an urban design office in Toulouse called Numéropolis,
developing a specialisation in the archetypes of urban representation and expertise
in the quirks of small village mayors. The company worked on projects at different
levels of local government, and for semi-public development agencies. Our clients
included the Toulouse Municipality.
In 1992 I developed the "Perspektikone", an application using QuickTime
to interactively visit an unbuilt urban project. I was invited to present my
urban representation work at the "Imara" section of "Imagina" in
Monte Carlo in 1993.
During the same period, the arrival of interactive media encouraged me to explore
new professional horizons; I ceased my urban design activity in 1995 with the
closing of Numéropolis. With regret - urban phenomena and landscape
remain major preoccupations.
From 1993 to 2005 I was the director of a multimedia company, created with
my wife, Sylvie, based in Toulouse, called Magelis (http://www.magelis.com),
where we explored the paradox that despite having clients in the banking industry
who adored us, this did not make our own banker consider our catastrophic cash
flow problems with humanity. This finally got the better of the company, which
was liquidated at the beginning of 2005.
We did build up a large client base in both the private and public sector,
including the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Centre for Space
Studies (French equivalent of the NASA), different local development agencies,
medium and small companies, etc. The projects we worked on went from outer
space, dealing with satellite measurement of the ocean surface, to below ground,
for the local municipal undertakers. This allowed us to satisfy our curiosity
through projects touching a vast range of subjects, whether culturel - from
music festivals to a sculptural bronze foundry - industrial - via the pork
industry - or social - from sustainable development, health mutual funds, to
a programme to combat racism in the work place. We built up expertise in the
paradigms of content representation and interactive scenarisation.
The company constantly experimented alternative work methodologies and tried
to develop collegial methods of creative collaboration in the work team. This
benefited the quality of our production, but at the price of productivity,
and this in all likelihood contained the seeds for our downfall...
In 1992 with Sylvie Rabie and Ivan Roux I created an interactive cartoon strip
that was awarded a silver "Faust" in Toulouse, was exhibited by the
Apple Studio at "Imagina" in 1993, and won a "Noteworthy" mention
in the 1994 "New Voices, New Visions" competition organised by the
(much regretted) Voyager Company, Wired, and Interval Research. It was exhibited
at the New York Film Festival and the University of Stanford.
In 1997 I created the "Iceland Sundaes" web site (http://www.magelis.com/isundaes),
a personal meditation on the relationship between city and network. It was
exhibited at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) during the "LA
Freewaves" Festival in 1998. It contains my "Cybourgia Manifest",
an attempt to reconcile my abandoning urban design for the brave new cyberworld
that had become my employer.
As a team in Magelis we worked on several projects: a new prototype of the
interactive cartoon strip, "Overexposed" (abandoned for lack of funds),
a game about the "expropriation" of Internet by the multinationals, "Big
Browser" (abandoned for lack of funds), and "Little Bonhommes
Land", around the mascot characters of the company.
Since 2000 I have been working on interactive photography, dealing with both inhabited and nutural landscapes, expressed via an ongoing work called "Landscopes". Several pictures from "Landscopes" were selected for the "EcoPoetics Online Digital Art Exhibition" that was part of the "Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival" in Ithaca, New York, in March-April 2006, and for the "Contemporary Mathematical Photography and New Media" exhibition at the James Madison University, in Harrisonburg, Virginia in October-November 2006.
In 2002 I was invited by Le Cube multimedia centre in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Paris) and the Art3000 Association (a pioneer in French net art), to make an outdoor, photographic, sound-driven installation, called the "Collido_scope" for the "1er Contact" Festival, that took place in October. This work was exhibited in February-March 2004 in the "Traverses-Video" Festival in Toulouse, and in August 2007, in the "Global Eyes" art gallery during the Siggraph Conference in San Diego. Between 2007 and 2009, this work will be shown in the "Siggraph Travelling Art Show".
In 2002 I started working on interactive demos (protests, not software). The
first, "Enfants d'Immigrés" (http://www.enfants-dimmigres.org)
created with the Magelis team was the web counterpoint to the massive demonstrations
against the Extreme Right during the French presidential elections. The site
was presented in the newspapers Libération, Le Monde, and Le Soir de
Belgique. The "Over My Dead Body" project (http://www.overmydeadbody.org),
a world wide online demo dealing with alterglobalisation, the environment,
neoliberalism, the war in Iraq, was launched in November 2002. It was chosen
for exhibit in the Nonetart Festival in Rosaria, Argentina in 2003, and for
the Wigged Productions online exhibition Globalization.
My anti(Iraq) war posters have been exhibited at a group exhibiton at Columbia
University, New York, and were also shown at the big group exhibition at the
World Social Forum in Mumbai, India in January 2004. They were published in "Peace
Signs - the anti-war movement illustrated" by James Mann.
I have recently finished an interactive photographical contemplation of the
Dachau concentration camp, called "The Prototype". This work was exhibited in March 2006 in the "Traverses-Video" Festival in Toulouse.
I am currently working on an interactive photography work called "Brèche-Brecha",
a cross-frontier (France-Spain) commission by Espacio Infoculture that is a
study of the Pyrenees Mountains, exploring the geographical and cultural differences
between the French region of Midi-Pyrénées, and the Spanish province
of Aragon.
During the recent French referendum for the proposed European constitution
I created and webmastered the site for the "Alternative en Midi-Pyrénées" (http://www.alternative-mip.org).